‘Life is a journey’ is true for anyone, but Robin takes it to a new dimension. Raised as a free-range child, it was only natural to grow into a free-range adult, having lived on three continents and worked and played on two more (45 countries and counting). At 18, after three and a half months traveling through Europe, terribly homesick and wanting to make it back for Christmas, Robin missed her ship but made her way home as a stowaway on a luxury yacht.
In her coaching practice and organizational work, Robin brings the same creative playfulness to issues of serious depth. Driven by an inclusive and wide-ranging joie de vivre, her love of learning, and an artist’s spirit, she brings a deep curiosity, grounded empathy, and well-practiced attention to listening and observing in her interactions with individuals and teams. In addition to a PhD in Learning and Change in Human Systems, Robin is a Certified Applied Improvisation Practitioner.
Quiet on the surface, her inner ‘trickster’ is always stowed away, waiting for a moment to pop in. Robin is known for quietly and compassionately dropping in the incisive questions that penetrate false personas, flip the mirror on dysfunctional team behaviors, and her queries are frequently credited with steering organizational ambitions clear of the Bermuda Triangle of unintended consequences. If you hear Robin say “May I ask a naïve question?” fasten your seat belt! Download Robin’s complete bio here.
Favorite place in nature: Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix, Arizona (if there is such a thing as ‘therapeutic grade essential oil of desert’, DBG is it)