‘Life is a journey’ is true for anyone, but Robin takes it to a new dimension. Raised as a free-range child, it was only natural to grow into a free-range adult, having lived on three continents and worked and played on two more (45 countries and counting). At 18, after three and a half months traveling through Europe, terribly homesick and wanting to make it back for Christmas, Robin missed her ship but made her way home as a stowaway on a luxury yacht.
In her coaching practice and organizational work, Robin brings the same creative playfulness to issues of serious depth. Driven by an inclusive and wide-ranging joie de vivre, her love of learning, and an artist’s spirit, she brings a deep curiosity, grounded empathy, and well-practiced attention to listening and observing in her interactions with individuals and teams. In addition to a PhD in Learning and Change in Human Systems, Robin is a Certified Applied Improvisation Practitioner.
Quiet on the surface, her inner ‘t