If asked to describe herself in two words, Cynthia will tell you she’s a “curious catalyst”. Knowing Cynthia as we do, we’re pretty sure she doesn’t mean she’s odd, but rather that she loves learning new things at the intersection of insight and action. And it’s true: even if you’ve just met her, she’s bound to lean in and ask “how are you?” like it’s the most pressing, fascinating question there is. And just then, it is. It really is. Because this is how Cynthia rolls – everything with her is about helping people and organizations thrive.

Each of her many hats is more or less the same shape, helping her as they do to run talent management initiatives, leadership development programs, on-boarding, executive assessments, career transitions, pieces of mergers and acquisitions, hi-potential programs and the development of organizational competencies. For all that though, Cynthia does have her blind spots. She’ll run right off the road if you get her going with a good story, and boxer puppies render her completely useless. Full disclosure. Download Cynthia’s complete bio here